Conspiracy Theories Attract Believers

Many appear. to become, bewildered, by how numerous others, accept, follow, and apparently believe, several of the many, conspiracy theories, which appear, in many cases! After, over 4 decades, of involvement, in political campaigns, this indicates, these non – facts, as an alternative to losing their impacts, appear, for being growing, inside their impacts! Non – believers of the unproven, often – far – fetched, ideas, appear confused, why these take – hold, and for that reason few, seem, ready, willing, and/ or, competent to fully examine the realities and possibilities, and select, instead, a path of apparent viable solutions, looking for the perceived, easier course, rather than the finest one! Conspiracy theories rarely make things better, but, rather, spend your time, money, and efforts, which could probably be, better – spent, perceiving and conceiving of, creating, developing, and implement, the very best, relevant and sustainable, viable solutions! With, that in your mind, this information will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, 5 probable reasons, conspiracy theories appear to attract, far – too – many, believers!

  1. The Internet/ Ease of “access”: These days, you will find so – several choices, and places, to acquire news, it really is somewhat alarming, a great number of, of such, as opposed to being informative, and fact – based, communicate a communication, which articulates their personal/ political agenda, and/ or, self – interest, instead! Especially, social websites, lends – itself, to unfounded, speculation, and encourages, conspiracy theories! In the past, certain news media, were considered, the foremost sources of our news, but, nowadays, when you listen, with a variety of news stations, even, the core – facts, are stated, differently! While, we all have been entitled to each of our opinions, nobody is, to our personal, selected, facts! What, ever happened, to good sense?
  2. Bias, prejudice, perceived, self – interest: Instead of protecting this nation’s basic premise, of, liberty and justice for those, we witness, a truly alarming increase, for doing this, selectively, according to bias, prejudice, and perceived, self – interest! Unfortunately, some find, they, advantageous, and rehearse them, to draw others, with certain biases, to check out them!
  3. Voting fears as an alternative to hopes: Unfortunately, lots of voters, base their vote, on fears, prejudice, and bias/ bigotry/ racism, instead of purer, American ideals! We need to emphasize the requirement, to vote, dependant on our hopes, to get a future, which protects the environment, focuses on the potential risks of Climate Change, and greater consentrate on public health solutions, etc!
  4. Populist politicians enable others: We are experiencing an interval, of near, historic numbers of hate crimes, systemic racism, and polarization! Unfortunately, a lot of politicians, never evolve/ transform, into, statesmen, and, rather then seeking the very best paths, both, inside the short – term, and also the longer – run, consider the path of least resistance, plus the one, which serves their agenda, rather than the nation’s needs! They use rhetoric to divide, and polarize, which usually entitle, and enable, other haters, to follow along with, and opt for them!
  5. It’s easier than finding viable solutions!: It’s usually, simpler, the culprit and complain, and employ some, unfounded, theories, than to grab the time, and responsibly, seek the most beneficial, most viable solutions!

If, we would like, better representation, and service, from those, we tend to public office, we should demand, real facts, rather then convenient, conspiracy theories! Wake up, America, and get it fast!